sebelum pape, mintak maaf banyak banyak..Farah tak sempat nak blogwalking.. nak reply comment pon same.. Farah bukak blog tapi tak sempat nak respond.. and now, tengok title laa kan? ni kesinambungan entry semalam --> phone bertukar wajah..
Farah memang tak pandai nak ajar or buat tuto nie.. but i will try my best, okay? hikhik..
*farah printscreen and edit kat phone, kalau tak faham boleh tanye eh? :D*
install go launcher :

cara tukar theme
1) bukak PlayStore

okay, that's all for GO Launcher :)
actually, untuk keyboard, dialpad, contacts semuaa tuu kene install lain.. tapi caranyee same jee dgn GO Launcher..
install GO Keyboard

tukar kepada theme lain
1)click Play Store

donee!! fuhh.. penat den.. *harap harap ade yg faham..*
okay, utk yg lain lain tuh, just search application kat bawah nie, okay?
just type GO SMS Pro, GO Locker, GO Dialer EX, GO Contacts EX kat Play Store.. caranyee same jee dgn install GO Launcher and GO Keyboard tadi, okay? :)

name font tuu Rosemary.. tapi sorry, Farah tak taw kat mane nak install sebab font tuu memang dah ade dalam phone nie..
okay, stop here..assalamualaikum :)
esok Farah dah gerak balik Ipoh, 14hb daftar utk sem 2.. Farah mintak maaf kalau selama bergelar blogger nie, Farah ade buat salah or tersakitkan hati blogger yang lain... sorry sangat.. emm, doakan Farah dapat perform well dalam sem 2 eh? thanks! ;)